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About Us
We started developing our little homestead back in 2015 after purchasing 25 acres in the small town of Cleveland, NC. Both of us (Tracy & Travis) grew up on farms as children, so we were naturally excited to create and build one of our own.
We decided to start our little homestead adventure with a few chickens and soon realized that they are addictive! Different breeds, egg colors, shapes, sizes and feather varieties caught our attention, so we took a deep dive into as much research as possible and have since been cycling through a few different breeds, and expanding the color palette of our egg basket.
After finding that we truly enjoy our Ameraucanas and Marans, we continued to learn and research on how to better improve our own flock and decided to join the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) and get our birds tested. We have taken farm bio-security very serious, and want our birds to be healthy and stay healthy. We have always tested negative for Avian Influenza or Pullorum-Typhoid.
Our customers include all types of poultry enthusiasts, from small backyard flock owners to serious breeders, and everyone in between.
Thank you for visiting our site and if there is anything we can do to help you expand your flock, please reach out and let us know.

Honeysuckle Homestead is a proud member of The Marans Club and the Ameraucana Alliance organizations.